2022 Lodge Of Perfection Officers
Thrice Potent Master
GIG, J.C. Lynch 33°
GIG, J.C. Lynch 33°
Deputy Master King of Tyre
SP, Vance Trone, 32° Ven Sr. Warden SP, J.C. Lynch, 32° Ven Jr Warden SP, Caesar Rodriguez, 32° Treasurer SP, Adam Burgess, 32° Secretary GIG, Jason M. Russell, 33° Orator SP, Marcus Lewis, 32° |
Master of Ceremonies
SP, Vance Trone, 32° Capt of the Guard SP, Pshone Ward, 32° Hospitaler SP, Eric Cobb, 32° Sr Expert SP, Washington Lyndsey, 32° Jr Expert SP, David Washington, 32° Tyler SP, Torey Storey, 32° |